Spider-Man and His Web of Influence on Me
When it comes to Spider-Man, I feel like there have been few heroes or villains who have been as relatable as Peter Parker has been for me. When hearing about Spider-Man you no doubt think of the actors such as Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, or the current actor Tom Holland, but for me, it will always be the source material.
When it comes to Spider-Man, the comics always come to my mind first and foremost as they are what I was exposed to first when it came to Peter Parker's life as Spider-Man. When I read the comics, I didn't know how he wasintersting to so many people, but as I got older I started to see why he was loved by many. Peter goes through the same struggles we do such as finding a job that pays well, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a place to stay, and managing time for different things. Tobey Maguire's movies contributed to this growing understanding, with Spider-Man 2 being the one that contributed the most. Tobey's Spider-Man and the comics version were amazing examples of a relatable hero as he doesn't own a company that would make him one of the richest people in the world, or cash in on his superhero identity like Iron Man or the Fantastic Four have done, and because of this, I, and many people, have sympathized for the struggles he goes through that were listed above. On top of this, I relate heavily to how Peter cares deeply for his family and friends as I have the same strong devotion to my family and friends and would do anything to make sure they were safe while also making time for them whenever I can so that I can cherish every moment.
All in all, Spider-Man has had a profound impact on the comic community, and the world as despite all the crazy villains that are fought, or how many people are in danger, Spider-Man is the best depiction of how one person can make a difference.
I think Spiderman is a very well-rounded and relatable character. I am not a huge marvel fan so I don't have a huge understanding of all the series and what it brings, but I do know that I have always felt Spiderman is one of the most relatable and realistic super heroes making him one of my favorites for sure. I can't wait to follow along with your blog and learn more about the Marvel characters and your opinions on them. Spiderman is without a doubt able to change the world and that makes him a great superhero. -Chloe
ReplyDeletePeter's relatability is a strong character trait that has made him such a cult of personality. It still baffles me how a room filled with Marvel execs shot down Stan Lee's proposal of the character all those years ago. I remember he was one of my first superheroes I payed attention to as a kid. It almost feels like as a fan I have grown up along side the web slinger. I'm sure you feel the same way. Great read homie!
I remember seeing the interview where he talked about how Marvel rejected his character as they believed teen superheroes wouldn't work with the characters that were being established. It still makes me grateful that Stan was able to get the idea approved as I can't imagine the Marvel Universe without Spider-Man.