Relating to the Mighty and Not So Mighty

    When reading about characters such as Hulk, Thor, Superman, Silver Surfer, Wonder Woman, Shazam, or Sentry, I always like reading stories about them that delve deep into their histories such as their personality, personal struggles, relationships, and many other factors. I say this as these characters have many things in common such as ungodly amounts of strength and power of which characters like Hulk and Superman can increase to even more absurd levels which would make them appear to be unbeatable. We all know that a character who is unbeatable is not interesting as they would beat the villain without breaking a sweat and not having anything at stake other than some minor property damage and hurt feelings.

    While I have been guilty of finding characters interesting because of their powers, I have come to realize that a character is interesting because of how they work on a mental level rather than how hard they can punch a planet into pieces. The first character that exposed me to this kind of thinking was Hulk. Seeing how Banner and Hulk struggled for control while also dealing with personal tragedy was interesting as you would think the only interesting thing about Hulk is his ability to grow stronger the angrier he became. Seeing these kinds of relatable and human moments defined the character of Hulk and anyone that had a lot of strength and power as we saw that they had a mental weakness and made them more human and "mortal." 

    Soon I saw powerful characters like Superman and Thor having these moments as well, while also teaching the reader lessons in humility, walking a mile in another person's shoes, and doing what you could to help people if you were stronger than them. Moments like these are what I believe define comic characters whether they have god-like power or a normal person that is extremely skilled in martial arts as it shows they can have moments where they fail, lose someone close to them, or learn a hard lesson through their actions and it makes them human in our eyes.


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