Marvel, DC, and Image. The Big 3 and my Personal Favorite Characters

SPOILERS in the post........Read at your own risk!!!!!!!!! We all have a favorite hero or villain from Marvel or DC, and sometimes we may even have a favorite from another company that's not as well known such as Image comics. For me, I recently started getting into Image comics' cast of characters such Invincible, Spawn, Pitt, Savage Dragon, and of course, everyone from the Walking Dead. While the movies, shows, and games, did help boost my interest, some of them I found out on my own and today I'd like to talk about what my favorite characters are from each of these companies that I have grown to love. Marvel : Now, after viewing the pictures provided to you, you may be wondering, "why these characters in particular?" Growing up, I always felt bad for certain characters like Hulk, Sentry, Isaiah Bradley, and Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles), as they tried to do good in the world but every time they did, society shunned and hated them d...